2024 has seen significant advancements in the workplace, and now that people can work from anywhere and juggle their 9-to-5 jobs with exciting, thriving projects, our generation can, in theory, “have it all.”
But along with the benefits of this progress come drawbacks: The rise of hybrid work blurs the lines between work and family life, and employees report they can’t disconnect.
According to Mental Health UK’s annual stress report, the UK is at risk of becoming a “burnout nation”, with one in five people having to take time off work due to stress in the past year. And despite extreme levels of pressure among UK workers, a staggering 24% said they felt unable to manage the stress in their lives.
This can be exacerbated during the summer months, when the social season transcends the boundaries of work and play, and many of us overexert ourselves and sacrifice our relaxed downtime to “do” and “have it all.”
Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way, and by setting some positive boundaries, we can manage our overwork and maximize our downtime, allowing us to avoid workplace burnout altogether and focus on achieving our goals. healthy way.
This June, with the support of EE, we’re here to help, looking at the common mistakes that lead to burnout in the workplace and how leveraging your technology can help improve your work-life balance.
Here are 6 mistakes you shouldn’t make if you want to prevent burnout at work and how to avoid them…
1. Sacrifice time for your mental health
With so many things to do in our daily lives, it can seem impossible to find time to do it all. And all too often we end up sacrificing time for our mental health in an attempt to finish our endless to-do lists. This is a key mistake to avoid, as prioritizing your mental well-being has been shown to prevent burnout while also being a crucial part of maintaining and achieving your goals. In an effort to get customers back on track, EE has partnered with a leading mental health brand. Calm, offering discounted access to their science-backed tools. And from small stress-relieving breathing exercises to daily meditations, they promise to calm your mind and build your resilience.
(Image credit: future)
2. Distribute yourself in several projects at the same time
It may seem productive to pursue multiple projects at once, but in reality this is another common mistake on the path to burnout. And with the 9-to-5 job, side hustles, socializing, and in some cases, parenting to balance, pushing yourself too hard will likely hinder your productivity and satisfaction in all areas. Focusing your time and energy is key, allowing you to commit to the task at hand. This is something EE’s Smart Hub Plus aims to do, with the app’Working mode‘ allowing you to prioritize your connection, work with purpose and maximize your productivity.
3. Give up exercise for screen time
The importance of exercise in preventing burnout cannot be underestimated, as physical activity has been scientifically proven to play a role in reducing work stress. However, the effects of exercise are vastly undervalued in the workplace, and many of us skip the lunch walk or afternoon exercise class to work overtime. EE Smartwatch Range has the answers, giving you the freedom to take work calls, set reminders, and send emails on the go. This makes it easier to include regular exercise in your daily routine and will consequently increase your efficiency, productivity, and job satisfaction.
(Image credit: future)
4. Be available at all times
One consequence of technological advances is that we can be available at all times, which is a benefit for our social lives, but a drawback when it comes to work. We’ve all experienced a late-night call from our boss or an early-morning email from a client, turning our precious downtime into a panicked work session: time that’s often never recorded or recovered, and eventually time those hours can add up. To combat this, it is crucial to set positive boundaries, clearly defining between work time when you are available and contactable, and time at home when you are not. EE wifi controls The feature is an effective tool for setting these limits, allowing you to pause WiFi, turn off individual devices, and even schedule some tech-free time for yourself.
5. Let work eat into your sleep
Another common mistake is allowing work to eat into your allotted hours of sleep, and many of us sacrifice some sleep to start the day. However, this should be avoided as there is a proven correlation between lack of sleep and exhaustion. According to research from Calm, 91% of adults do not rest and feel tired frequently, and 77% of its subscribers use the app primarily to help sleep. Its science-backed features, from sleep stories and meditations to soundscapes, have been shown to improve sleep quality and duration. Not to mention, EE WiFi Controls The feature can be used to schedule technology-free time while you wind down for bed.
6. Convert your free time into work
Undervaluing the importance of downtime is a common mistake, and many of us consider it unproductive. In fact, taking advantage of downtime is vital for recharging your energy, so be sure to unplug from work, rest, and relax your mind regularly. And by doing so, you will see positive results not only in your personal life, but in your work life as well. EE Home Entertainment The selection has this in mind, and whether your downtime comes in the form of TV, music, podcasts or games, the interesting range of extras on EE mobile is a guaranteed win. We’re talking about Apple TV+, TNT Sports on Discovery+ and Entertainment Data Pass, which offers endless streaming from Spotify, Netflix and Prime Video, among others.
Visit ee.co.uk/work to learn more about EE technology and how to leverage it to achieve your goals.