6 Skincare Mistakes Kriti Sanon Wants You to Avoid

The monsoons have arrived. And the rains bring with them a new range of concerns, such as excess oil, dullness and acne. But before you rush out shopping during the monsoon season, take note of the non-negotiable skin care basics, applicable to everyone, regardless of age, climate and skin type.

And that’s what Kriti Sanon is here to enlighten us about. He Crew The star recently posted a video on her social media platform, breaking down the basic skincare mistakes she’s made over the years, which may serve as an eye-opener for people. And since her skincare brand, Hyphen, has several cult products, you can rely on her expert advice!

Have a look.

Kriti Sanon warns you not to make these skincare mistakes:

Skincare Mistake 1: Don’t get carried away by the hype

Your skin has its own way of telling you that it’s not happy: dullness, pimples, hyperpigmentation, etc. They are signals through which your skin communicates. Be aware of your skin’s behavior and identify the signals it sends. Based on this, design your skincare routine and select products that address your skin’s needs accordingly. Do not blindly buy advertised products.

PS: It is always advisable to consult a dermatologist to find the optimal skin care routine for you.

Skincare Mistake 2: Exfoliating Too Much

According to Dr. Indu Ballani, MD and founder of Ballani Aesthetics, “Indian skin tone has more melanocytes and therefore exfoliating the skin more than twice a week can trigger melanin synthesis and make the skin is susceptible to damage caused by external aggressors. “Therefore, you should always limit exfoliation to just twice a week.

Mistake 3: Changing skin care products too often

Different skin care products have different formulations and your skin type needs time to adapt to any formulation. However, changing formulations too frequently disrupts the skin barrier and gives rise to skin care problems such as itching, peeling, and premature aging.

Skincare Mistake 4: Biting Your Skin

No matter how tempted you are to pick that pimple or blackhead, don’t do it! Picking your skin can cause cuts and bruises or even bleeding, which can further aggravate the infection and lead to discoloration, scarring, or hyperpigmentation.

Skincare Mistake 5: Using Wet Wipes Regularly

Cleansing wipes have a lot of moisture in their composition and are therefore more prone to bacterial invasion that can eventually lead to acne and pimples. In addition, you should always opt for microfiber towels because the friction caused by other conventional materials can cause wear and tear of the top layer of the skin.

Skincare Mistake 6: Replacing Pillowcases Once in a Blue Moon

You should always change your pillowcases frequently because over time your skin releases a lot of oil during the night. This excess oil can cause pustular acne on the sideburns. In addition, it is recommended to opt for silk pillowcases since they produce less friction and do not allow the oil that our skin secretes to deposit on its surface.

How many of these skincare mistakes are you guilty of?