Dentist warns about common morning mistakes that could ruin teeth

A dentist has issued a warning about three common teeth brushing mistakes you could make in the morning that could ruin your teeth – and told you what to do instead.

It is important to take care of your teeth (file image)(fake images)

A dentist has issued a warning about some morning habits that could be ruining your oral health.

Many of us start the day with coffee and breakfast, but did you know that brushing your teeth afterwards could do more harm than good? Dr Shaadi Manouchehri, who runs Smart Dental and Aesthetics in London, dropped the bombshell on Instagram, leaving her 61.5k followers stunned.

“Never brush your teeth after having a coffee,” he stressed on his account @dr.shaadi.manouchehri. “Coffee is quite acidic… if you go and brush your teeth right away, you’re rubbing the acid on the tooth and wearing down the tooth… (And) don’t brush your teeth after breakfast, brush them before.

“Because if you brush right away you’re going to be damaging your enamel.”

Our teeth are made up of minerals such as enamel, dentin and root cementum, and when we wake up in the morning, they are covered in bacteria that must be removed before starting the day, even before having breakfast. If you skip this step, you’ll let your breakfast pile up on top of what you’ve accumulated overnight, Dr. Manouchehri explained.

This unpleasant mixture, along with the acidity of the coffee, is the main cause of enamel wear.

As the enamel wears away, it can reveal the dentin underneath, which can leave your teeth looking yellow. Speaking specifically about coffee, Dr. Manouchehri continued, “Wait at least 30 to 60 minutes; you don’t actually need to brush your teeth, just rinse with a mouthwash or drink water.”

Touching on an aside, he added: “Never brush your teeth after you’ve vomited (either). This is probably all you want to do after you’ve vomited, but in reality the contents of your stomach are extremely acidic and your teeth are made up of minerals.