Will Smith’s new movie must avoid the big mistake he made in 2004 and 2007


  • Like I, Robot and I Am Legend, Resistor must stick to the source material to avoid major adaptation errors that could compromise the story.
  • Changing the title of a novel when adapting it to film, as seen with Resistor, has historically not had a good track record and can lead to detrimental alterations.
  • Resistor, based on the novel Influx by Daniel Suárez, has the potential to learn from past sci-fi movie mistakes made by Will Smith and ensure a faithful adaptation.

Will Smith to star in new Sony sci-fi movie titled Resistorbut for the movie to be a success, should avoid a mistake that Smith’s 2004 and 2007 sci-fi films made. Will Smith has had an illustrious career and has starred in multiple hit films. While Will Smith rose to fame thanks to his action films, his science fiction films, including Independence Day and men in blackThey have been a big part of his career.

Since he starred men in black, Will Smith has added more sci-fi films to his filmography. Unfortunately, not all science fiction films in which Smith has played the lead role and has been successful.. Gemini Man and After Earth They were not liked by both the public and critics. Now that the actor is returning to the genre, Will Smith’s next film will have to learn from his past sci-fi films to avoid the same mistakes, especially after the success of Bad Boys: Ride or Die.


Will Smith’s New Sci-Fi Movie Needs to Break a Disappointing 11-Year Trend

After the box office success of Bad Boys: Ride or Die, Will Smith’s upcoming sci-fi film Resistor has a chance to reverse his career slump.

I, Robot and Will Smith’s I Am Legend were criticized for changing the original stories

Me, Robot and I am a legend very deviated from its source material

Resistor It won’t be the first time Will Smith plays the lead role in a sci-fi film adaptation. In 2004 and 2007, Smith starred in I robot and I’m legend, respectively. While both science fiction films had some success, They were also criticized for deviating too much from the original stories.. For example, I robotwhich was an adaptation of Isaac Asimov’s 1950 novel of the same name, made several changes to the book, including adding Smith’s character Del Spooner to the story.

Isaac Asimov’s book.
I robot
It is not a novel but a collection of 9 stories.

I’m legend is another Will Smith film that was criticized for being too different from its source material. As I robot, I’m legend He made several changes to the book, including a different ending, the inclusion of other survivors, and the film’s timeline. Movies based on books often deviate from the original story in one way or another, but if too many changes are made, results in a film adaptation that bears no resemblance to its source material. This is a problem that Smith has experienced on multiple occasions with his science fiction projects.

The Resistance Must Learn From Will Smith’s Past Adaptation Mistakes

The resistor must adhere to the source material

Robert Neville (Will Smith) panics outside the street in New York in I Am Legend

For Resistor To be successful, you need to ensure that the plot stays as close to the original story as possible. Of course, Changes can be made to the original material.but I robot and I’m legend have shown that making too many changes when adapting a novel to film is not always a good thing. For example, I’m legendThe controversial final change lost the message of Richard Matheson’s novel, turning it from a meditation on the human condition to a more generic monster movie.

Decisions like creating a more explosive Hollywood-style ending or introducing a more archetypal action hero may seem appealing on paper, but in reality they often compromise the essence of the story.

Like I robot and I’m legend, Resistor It will be an adaptation of a science fiction novel. Smith’s new sci-fi film will be based on The best-selling novel by Daniel Suárez, Influx. However, while there is potential for further adaptation errors, I robot and I’m legendErrors provide a useful model for Resistor to learn from. Decisions like creating a more explosive Hollywood-style ending or introducing a more archetypal action hero may seem appealing on paper, but in reality they often compromise the essence of the story. As such, Resistor You may have few excuses if you decide to follow a similar path.

Early signs of Will Smith’s resilience suggest history will repeat itself

The creators of Resistor have already changed the name

Neville (Will Smith) with a worried expression in I Am Legend.

So far, no specific plot details have been revealed about Resistor, but early signs suggest that history is likely to repeat itself. The most obvious thing is that Daniel Suárez’s novel is called Influxbut the film adaptation is titled Resistor. Historically, changing the title of a novel when adapting it to film has not had a good track record. This is because the books already have an established fan base.so changing the title means there is an audience that may not recognize it.

Furthermore, if something as important as the title is changed in the film adaptation of a novel, It’s safe to deduce that more changes that are important to the plot will follow.. As Will Smith’s own career has shown time and time again, making such alterations can be detrimental to the end result. There is still a good chance that Resistor can break the mold and be a relatively faithful adaptation. However, past precedents and early signs are worrying signs about where the project is headed.