The left must recognize its mistakes and be open to criticism: Binoy Viswom | Kerala News

CPI State Secretary Binoy Viswom, who had said secular parties should take serious note of the BJP’s victory in Thrissur, on Tuesday said the Left must correct course and be prepared to face criticism.
In his maiden speech at the meeting to mark the birth anniversary of former CPM leader late KR Gowri, Visowm said the Left should ask whether the foundations are shaken. “It is time for the Left to be ready for self-criticism. We must learn lessons from the current situation in Kerala. We can overcome the crisis. But course corrections are important. Let us never shy away from change,” he said.

“Believing that we are perfect and that everyone else is wrong is not part of communist criticism. When criticizing others, communists must thoroughly understand the history, ideology and personality of those who are being criticized. Language is key in criticism. The time has come to think about the communist approach that should be followed in the use of language,” he reminded the audience.

“We should ask ourselves if the foundations of the left are shaking. If not now, when people have made some comments about the left, when?” he said. “We must be prepared to correct our mistakes. The first thing we must confess is to the people. The people are bigger than any leader, authority or committee. Admitting bad actions to the people and trying to correct them is the true leftist ideology.” In politics you cannot avoid criticism. Defeat cannot deflate the left,” he stated.