BBC expert warns loyalty card buyers over simple £3 mistake

Consumer advocate Vix Leyton issued the warning on BBC Morning Live when she spoke to Gethin Jones and Helen Skelton.

Expert spoke on BBC morning show to warn buyers(BBC tomorrow live)

An expert has appeared on the BBC to issue a warning to loyalty card users over a simple £3 mistake that could hit their wallets. On BBC Morning Live, presenters Gethin Jones and Helen Skelton spoke to a consumer expert about the challenges of spending on supermarket loyalty cards and why they can be harmful in some cases.

According to Helen, in our supermarket “some companies have been criticized for introducing spending challenges on their loyalty cards.” She spoke with an expert who warns people that they may not be saving as much as they think and, in fact, could be spending more than they can afford.

Speaking about what’s happening, consumer advocate Vix Leyton explained: “Four of the big supermarkets (Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Asda) have expanded their loyalty programs. They’ve introduced some little games, some little challenges to get you to spend more. ., or spend more often.”

He adds: “Now, you might think ‘lots more ways to save money’ and if you were strategic you might be right. But which one? And StepChange, the debt charity, is a little worried that this will encourage people to spend money they simply don’t have.

Speaking about the financial situation of many people in the midst of inflation, which raises the cost of our food purchases, he highlights: “It is a cost of living crisis, you go with a budget, you know what you have to get, I have a list list and then there’s the opportunity to earn some extra points, even hundreds of points. You think, “Oh, I might as well spend an extra £3.”

“You look at your surroundings and buy impulsively. Maybe you put three chocolate bars in your basket. You didn’t need them, you spent a little more, is that responsible?”

BBC Morning Live noted that all four big supermarkets responded. Expert Vix Leyton said: “Tesco said its Clubcard challenges were aimed at rewarding customers for buying products they buy regularly, while Sainsbury’s said its points challenge stores were offered from May 8 to May 4. June to selected customers and their Bonus points were issued based on the number of stores customers completed with a minimum spend of £1 per store.

“Morrisons said the Morrisons Collectors promotion is tailored to customers and rewards shoppers with personalized offers and Asda said the savings customers make on its app are saved in a personal cash fund and can be redeemed to reduce bills of edibles when people decide to use it.”