How to Care for Your Lawn During a Heat Wave: Avoid the Number One Lawn-Killing Mistake

Britain is now facing the hottest weather it has seen all year with temperatures expected to reach 30C this week, meaning many lawns are at risk of drying out.

However, many gardeners will be pleased to know there is one job they can put off this week when the sun comes out, as one expert urges people to put away their lawnmowers.

Jonathan Hill, lawn care expert and director of grass growing company Rowlan, has shared that mowing your grass during a heatwave is one of the worst things you can do as it can cause massive damage.

In an interview with the Mirror, Jonathan said: “When temperatures rise in the UK, mowing can cause stress on the grass, so it is often better to let the grass grow a little longer in these conditions.

“The shorter the grass, the less shade there is to protect the roots and therefore the amount of moisture they retain is reduced. Grass that is too short will dry out.”

Mowing your grass during scorching weather will not only stress your grass, but it will also increase the risk of scaling, which is when the soil is exposed to direct sunlight and increases in temperature, which can cause roots to become damaged.

It will also increase the water content of the grass, causing it to dry out quickly, so it can be much healthier for a garden to simply leave the grass alone to relax during this rare sunny weather.

Jonathan added: “We often recommend that during drought or particularly dry conditions, gardeners do not mow the grass. “You are more likely to survive a heat wave if you don’t mow your lawn at all.”

Instead, anyone concerned about their lawn during a heat wave should take the time to water the lawn deeply in the morning or evening to reduce the risk of evaporation and so the grass bases can retain as much water as possible.

Mowing your lawn is not recommended during a heat wave, but you can also keep your lawn in good condition and avoid damaging it for the rest of the summer by adjusting the settings on a lawn mower.

Jonathan: “To avoid tearing out the grass, the mower’s cutting height should be increased in dry conditions.

“A higher setting will trap valuable moisture, limiting evaporation and encouraging the growth of stronger, deeper roots, which improves overall drought tolerance.

Gardeners should also remember the most important rule of lawn care, which is to never mow less than three inches of grass, as it will increase soil temperature and reduce photosynthesis.

Very short grass can also allow more sunlight to reach the ground, which can promote weeds, while taller, thicker, healthier grass can naturally suppress weed growth.

Jonathan said: “When mowing the lawn, never cut more than a third of the length of the plant in a single cut to avoid damaging the grass.”