Can you spot all the spelling mistakes in this task?


A homework assignment riddled with spelling mistakes went viral after a horrified mother posted it online.

The woman, identified only as Amanda (@Pandamoanimum), tweeted a photo of the assignment with the message: “My son has spelling words from school they want him to learn. “Right now I’m holding my head and sighing.”

The task, which asks students to learn six words, contained a number of basic errors.

Not only were two of the six words misspelled, but there were also errors in the introduction describing the task.

However, some Twitter users – as is always the case – decided it couldn’t be real and cried “Photoshop!”

Of course, it would make more sense to print it out than alter it digitally, and Amanda posted another photo showing it taped to her son’s exercise book.

While some said she shouldn’t have “embarrassed” the teacher (although they were not named), most were simply shocked by the number of mistakes.

One user wrote: “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! You promise me this is real? I’m shocked. I hope you talk to someone, it’s a joke.”


The offensive task (@Pandamoanimum/Twitter)

Amanda later tweeted: “For the last time. If it’s real. No, it is not retouched. Yes, I’m taking it further. And she stops assuming that the teacher is a woman. That she is not her.”

The mother also posted an updated version of the assignment she found in her son’s bag with most, but not all, of the mistakes corrected.

(tags to translate)Twitter