“I’m an etiquette expert: Making this posture mistake at dinner makes you look greedy”

Do you make this typical misbehavior? British etiquette professor William Hanson claims there is one table manner that will make you look awfully “greedy” if you stick to it

Do you make this typical dinner manners mistake? (stock image)((Fake Images)

A British etiquette expert has issued a hilarious warning: he claims that one mistake at a meal makes you look awfully “greedy”.

William Hanson, who frequently appears on This Morning, recently shared his views on dinnertime eating habits, leaving viewers completely divided. Sitting in front of a large pizza and a leafy green salad, he videotaped the red flag behaviour for others to see, while claiming it was a total blunder.

“No matter how delicious the food is, don’t look like a glutton,” he stressed on his TikTok account, @williamhansonetiquette. “Eating posture. In Western culture, food comes to us, not the other way around, so don’t lean into the plate.”

Instead, Mr Hanson says you should always bring your food towards your mouth, resisting the temptation to lean closer to your plate. Demonstrating this with the salad, he said: “The only two exceptions to this rule are if you’re eating soup or spaghetti, in which case you can lean slightly towards the plate – but only a few degrees!”

Unsurprisingly, her post about manners sparked countless hilarious comments online, with several users refusing to abide by these rules. One person wrote: “There are no rules with me and my food,” while someone chimed in: “Let us eat in peace for the love of god,” while another added: “I was literally leaning over my salad while watching this. If I don’t it ends up on my clothes lol.”

Hanson didn’t stop there, though. As for the pizza, he urged diners to fold each slice in half “like a calzone” to look “much fancier.” He continued: “Don’t try to shove it in your mouth like that, it’ll go soggy and nobody wants that.”

“Instead, you can fold it in half… and eat it like that. It’s much more elegant and stops the tomato sauce from getting on your lips.” She added: “Because no one wants to look like they just left a club after eating!”

Once again, commenters were quick to joke about the incredible ways they prefer to eat pizza. One joked: “I eat it with pizza scissors,” while another said: “I eat the bits of cheese that get stuck to the top of the box.”