The Star Wars movie starring Daisy Ridley, which Carrie Fisher calls “the worst day I’ve ever had on a film set in my life”

Actress Carrie Fisher is an icon in her own right, having gained worldwide recognition for her role as Princess Leia in the original film. Star Wars Trilogy. Fisher then returned to the role in 2015. Star Wars: The Force Awakenswhich kicked off the franchise’s prequel era. However, the late actress didn’t have a very good time, at least on the first day of filming the movie starring Daisy Ridley.

Princess Leia is captured by Stormtroopers
Carrie Fisher reprised the role of Princess Leia in 2015. The Force Awakens (Credit: Lucasfilm).

The Force Awakens Fisher returned to a galaxy far, far away after nearly thirty years. As a result, the actress clearly faced some issues during the early stages of filming. Here’s what Fisher had to say about her return to the space opera franchise and why she had the worst experience on set on the first day of filming. The Force Awakens.

Carrie Fisher had her worst day on the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Carrie Fisher made her debut as Princess Leia in the original 1977 film. Star Wars Film directed by George Lucas. He reprised the role in the remaining installments of the original trilogy, before returning to the franchise for the sequels made under the Disney label.

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Carrie Fisher had her worst day during filming Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Credit: Lucasfilm).

During an interview published as part of the home entertainment launch of The Force AwakensFisher spoke about the challenges of returning to the space opera saga. Fisher, who starred in the film alongside Daisy Ridley, and her co-stars from the original trilogy recalled not being up to the task on their first day of filming.

It was basically the worst day I’ve ever had on a film set in my life. Then it was over and I was able to go to sleep and come back another day, and it was better.

Fisher made the above statement (via /Film), explaining that she struggled on her first day of filming.

Similarly, director JJ Abrams noted that it took Fisher a while to get used to the nature of working on a big production, considering she hadn’t done much acting in the past few years leading up to her return as Princess Leia. However, Abrams also stated that Fisher slipped back into her iconic character with ease. Fisher admitted to making a few mistakes on her first day, but gradually got better at it.

Carrie Fisher was concerned about her weight before her Star Wars Return

Carrie the fisherwoman
Carrie Fisher also spoke about her weight loss struggles. Star Wars Return (Credit: Lucasfilm).

While promoting the then upcoming The Force AwakensFisher also spoke about some of the other issues she faced in returning to the role of Princess Leia, particularly her struggles with her weight.

During an interview with Good Housekeeping, Fisher talked about having to lose weight for the role.

I did it the same way as everyone else: not eating and exercising more. There is no other way to do it. I find it harder to eat properly than to exercise.

Fisher made the above statement admitting that she struggled while trying to lose weight. She also added that having a good physique was part of acting.

At the same time, Fisher also criticized the unrealistic beauty standards set by Hollywood. She also joked about producers wanting to hire only a third of her, implying that she faced problems in the industry due to her weight. Fisher passed away in 2016, after completing her scenes for the 2017 film. The Last JediThey brought her back using archive footage from 2019. The Rise of Skywalker.

He Star Wars The films are streamed on Disney+.