The storage mistake that turns your raspberries into a mess

The secrets to keeping fruit fresh are different for each variety. Raspberries need special attention to keep them from spoiling quickly. The problem with vented clamshell containers is that moisture may have found a way into these breathable containers before purchase. Berries are also packed tightly together, which can damage the fruit and lead to mold. Although many believe that raspberries need ventilation to keep them from spoiling prematurely, taking a few minutes to prepare the fruit before refrigerating and choosing a different storage container can keep berries fresh for up to 14 days.

While indirect moisture can cause raspberries to spoil prematurely, it’s essential to strategically wash them after you buy them. However, if you simply rinse and half-dry them, they will spoil faster. To rinse them effectively, use a salad spinner. Cover the spinner with some paper towels and spin gently for up to 10 seconds. From there, let the raspberries dry on paper towels. Soaking them in vinegar before spinning will also kill any bacteria present, helping to maintain freshness.

Instead of placing clean raspberries in their plastic containers, storing them in an airtight container lined with aluminum foil turns out to be the method that keeps the fragile raspberries fresh for the longest time. As long as the raspberries are washed and dried thoroughly beforehand, a sealed container with enough space can keep them fresh for up to two weeks.