Iran, Pezeshkian: Our defense does not include nuclear weapons, US must learn from past mistakes

Iran’s defense doctrine does not include nuclear weapons and the United States should “learn from past miscalculations and adapt its policy accordingly,” the newly elected president of the Islamic Republic said. Masoud PezeshkianIn a lengthy message published in the Iranian newspaper “Tehran Times,” Pezeshkian explained that “the authorities in Washington must recognize that the policy of confrontation between the countries of the region has not been successful and will not be successful in the future. They must face this reality and prevent the current tensions from escalating.” Pezeshkian also spoke about the relations between his country and Europe. Relations “have gone through ups and downs,” but “I hope to engage in a constructive dialogue with the European countries to steer our relations on the right path, based on the principles of mutual respect and equal conditions,” he explained.

Pezeshkian, elected on July 5 after defeating the “ultra-conservative” Saeed Jalili, also stressed the importance of strengthening ties with countries in the region, saying: “We look forward to working with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and regional organizations to deepen our economic ties, strengthen trade relations, promote investments in joint ventures, address common challenges and move towards establishing a regional framework for dialogue, confidence-building and development.” The new administration aims to promote “the creation of a ‘strong region’ rather than one in which a single country pursues hegemony and dominance over others.” “I firmly believe – continued Pezeshkian – that neighboring and sister nations should not waste their precious resources on erosive competitions, arms races or unjustified mutual contention. Instead, we will aim to create an environment in which our resources can be devoted to the progress and development of the region for the benefit of all.”

As a first step, “my administration will urge neighboring Arab countries to work together and use all political and diplomatic tools to prioritize achieving a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, with the goal of stopping the bloodshed and preventing the spread of the conflict,” Pezeshkian said. “We must therefore work diligently to end the long-standing (Israeli) occupation that has devastated the lives of four generations of Palestinians. In this context, I want to emphasize that all states have a binding duty under the 1948 Genocide Convention to take steps to prevent genocide; not to reward it by normalizing relations with the perpetrators.”

The new president also stressed the importance for Iran of actors such as Russia and China, which “have always supported us in difficult times. We attach great value to this friendship.” “Our 25-year roadmap with China represents a significant milestone towards establishing a mutually beneficial ‘comprehensive strategic partnership’, and we look forward to collaborating more broadly with Beijing as we move towards a new global order,” Pezeshkian said, also recalling that “in 2023, China played a vital role in facilitating the normalization of our relations with Saudi Arabia, showcasing its constructive vision and forward-looking approach to international affairs.”

Russia, the President continued, “is a valued strategic ally and neighbor of Iran, and my administration will continue to work to expand and enhance our cooperation. We are committed to peace for the people of Russia and Ukraine, and my administration will stand ready to actively support initiatives aimed at achieving this goal.” “I will continue to prioritize bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Russia, particularly within frameworks such as the BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU),” Pezeshkian concluded.

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