Tomato Growing Mistakes You Should Avoid This Summer or Risk Losing Your Harvest Entirely

Although the weather hasn’t been the best in some parts of the UK, Britons can help their crops by avoiding certain mistakes.

According to Holly Jones of Garden Street, there are five common mistakes many people make that can lead to “performance losses” and illness.

The first mistake is to plant the seeds too early, as the soil will be too cold for the tomatoes to grow.

The timing of sowing tomato seeds depends on the location and where in the garden they will be grown, but by July, tomatoes should already be planted outside.

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Holly said: “If you plant tomato seeds too close together you risk stunting the growth of the plants. You also risk crowding the plants, which can result in them not getting enough direct sunlight.”

Gardeners should plant tomatoes deeply, so that the first set of leaves are just above the soil surface before planting them in the ground.

They should be spaced 45-70cm apart, depending on final size, so be sure to check the seed packet instructions.