‘Common mistakes’ that can add up to £250 to your energy bill

Although energy prices have dropped compared to last year, for many of us they are still a problem for our wallets, so it is normal that we look for ways to cut costs wherever possible.

Energy experts at Heat Pumps UK have analysed the most common mistakes that drive up energy bills during the summer months. They have also crunched the numbers to show how much each of them can affect your wallet.

According to an energy expert, these are the five most common mistakes people make that are driving up their energy bills in summer, Plymouth Live reports.

Leaving technology on or on standby: £100

Televisions, laptops and gaming consoles emit heat when they are on and even when they are in standby mode. To maintain a cool room temperature and save money on your energy bill, it is essential to turn off all electronic devices that are not in use.

“It’s best to unplug appliances that aren’t in use as they continue to consume energy and give off heat even when in standby mode,” says Heat Pumps UK’s expert.

How much is this costing you?

Research from the Energy Saving Trust suggests that this mistake alone could see households wasting around £250 a year on ‘ghost load’. Add to this the unwanted heat they give off and you’re likely to waste £100 on unnecessary energy bills during the summer months.

Using the dryer: £67.50

Opening the dryer is the easiest option, but it’s a real waste of money in summer. Hanging up clothes can be a bit of a hassle, but it will save you a few euros.