Several printing errors in the LU entrance test for the 5-year integrated LLB course, claim applicants

Candidates who took the entrance exam for a five-year integrated LLB programme offered by Lucknow University on Saturday said there were several printing errors in the question papers. Many of the questions were either incomplete or not printed correctly, they said.

There are 160 places available for the five-year law degree, for which 6,935 applications were received (Source)

University staff said the matter came to light after several candidates in different examination halls pointed out the errors to the invigilators on duty.

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“Question 85 was incomplete in booklets B and C. The questionnaire had printing errors in questions 85, 98, 99 and 100, with half of the content missing,” alleged one candidate after taking the exam.

“In addition, the questionnaire contained an English section that was not mentioned in the previous text. Questions 98, 99 and 100, the content of which was missing, were from the English section,” said another candidate.

Candidates said the matter was reported to the invigilators, who called the varsity officials and corrections were made after the examination cell clarified the matter. However, candidates claimed that little time was lost as the errors were corrected quickly.

Responding to the allegations, LU spokesperson Durgesh Srivastava said, “In the LLB entrance exam question paper on Saturday, the printing of a word in a question was not clear, which was reported to the students who did not face any problem.”

“The questionnaire had 100 multiple choice questions that had to be solved within 90 minutes. Each question was worth 2 points. There was no negative marking,” said one candidate.

The questions on the entrance exam were related to general knowledge of law, history, geography, general sciences, reasoning and mental ability, he said.

Srivastava added that 80% of the registered candidates appeared for the exam. Among all the subjects offered by LU, the toughest competition is for this LLB programme. There are 160 seats available for the five-year law course, for which 6,935 applications were received. Thus, 44 applicants are competing for a seat. Last year, LU received 5,464 applications for the said course.