“Yes, RUTO has failed, but she is ready to change for the better,” MUDAVADI now admits as she urges Gen Z to give the president another chance.

Thursday, July 18, 2024 – First Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi addressed the volatile situation in Kenya caused by the Generation Z revolution.

Speaking at the launch of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Board’s Strategic Plan 2023-27 in Nairobi, Mudavadi acknowledged President William Ruto’s mistakes that led to the nationwide youth protests.

However, he called for restraint among younger generations to avoid further unrest.

He said the President has heard Gen Z and is ready to change for the better if given another chance.

Mudavadi called on young Kenyans to adopt a progressive approach in their protests.

“We have a country to protect. We have made mistakes along the way. And don’t be fooled, we will make mistakes in the future too,” Mudavadi said emphatically.

He added: “As long as you are a human being, you will stumble from time to time.”

Drawing comparisons between the Ruto administration and previous regimes, Mudavadi noted: “Our forefathers were there. They did what they did.

“You can’t say they didn’t make mistakes. They did, but they managed to keep the country.”

“We are here today; we will all make mistakes.

“But the country must not be ruined by our mistakes.

“Because another generation will come and take over,” he said.

Mudavadi warned: “If you are between 18 and 20 years old and your country is in chaos, tell me where you will be.”

Despite some concessions by Ruto, who has tried to appease the protesters with various measures, the unrest continues.

Generation Z has remained steadfast in its demands for Ruto’s resignation and has planned further protests under the hashtag “RutoMustGo”.

Kenyan newspaper DAILY POST