Sara Cox admits mistakes in interview with star: BBC apology


BBC Radio DJ Sara Cox recently reflected on a controversial interview she conducted with Sacha Baron Cohen, best known for his persona Ali G, in 2002. The interview took a turn for the worse when Baron Cohen made offensive comments and used expletives on air, leaving Sara, who was 27 at the time, feeling caught off guard and out of control.

In a recent episode of the How to Fail with Elizabeth Day podcast, Sara admitted that mistakes were made during the interview and that lessons were learned. She mentioned that they relied too much on Baron Cohen, who provided them with pre-defined questions and answers for her character. In retrospect, Sara acknowledged that the interview should not have been allowed to happen the way it did and it was a learning experience for her.

After the interview, Sara apologized on air and faced a media backlash, which placed all the blame on her. Despite feeling sick and out of control when listening to the interview again in recent years, Sara expressed that it was a difficult experience that left a lasting impact on her.

The BBC issued an apology for the incident, saying it takes the offence caused to listeners seriously and will review its content guidelines to prevent similar incidents in the future. Sacha Baron Cohen has not commented on the situation.

Reflecting on the interview, Sara stressed the need to be cautious and prepared when dealing with controversial figures like Baron Cohen. The incident serves as a reminder of the challenges that come with live streaming and the importance of maintaining control in such situations.

In light of Sara’s experience, questions are raised about the role of media personalities in handling unexpected and challenging interviews, as well as the responsibility of guests to respect content guidelines. The incident serves as a warning for broadcasters and journalists to approach interviews with caution and be prepared to avoid similar controversies in the future.