Mistakes we all make when growing neem trees

Plants need nutrition just like people, and neem trees benefit from a balanced fertilizer. Without the right combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, trees have stunted growth and a weak foundation, which does not guarantee a long and healthy life. It is important that they are nourished in their younger years to ensure that they can grow strong and healthy.

Make sure the tree has the resources it needs to grow by using a diluted liquid fertilizer or a combination granular fertilizer once a month in spring and summer. Fertilizing during the winter is not necessary, as plant growth usually slows during this period. Choose a fertilizer that has an equal proportion of the three main nutrients, which should be marked with three large numbers on the front of the product.

If the tree is in a pot or indoors, liquid fertilizer is fine. However, if the neem tree is planted outside and directly in the ground, consider using granular fertilizer. Granular fertilizers, which come in slow- or controlled-release forms, do not leave toxic buildups in the soil and slowly release nutrients over several weeks. This makes them safer for the local environment and for other nearby plants and trees that could be harmed by runoff from quick-release liquid fertilizers.