5 mistakes that could be attracting rabbits to your garden

Rabbits are cute, but they can eat up all the hard work you put into your garden. While it may seem impossible to keep some wildlife away from your crop, there are some mistakes you should always avoid to make access difficult, according to gardening and pest control experts.

The grass is overgrown

“Allow grass areas in your yard to become overgrown,” says Carly Mercer, CEO of the woman-owned landscaping company Love & Carrots, which creates ideal nesting sites for rabbits.

Alex Gray, district manager for Kansas City wildlife service Trutech, also adds that “the biggest mistake people make is providing enough food and shelter for rabbits in their yard.” Gray explains that in addition to overgrown grass, rabbits also like to hide in bushes, bushes, and woodpiles to get away from predators and people.

The garden is too close to the landscaping

“Rabbits generally do not prefer to cross a large open expanse of grass to reach feeding areas,” says Mercer. “Having a garden next to your orchards can give rabbits safe passage as they make their way to your orchards.”

Gray adds that while gardens attract rabbits, you may find even more rabbits in your garden if you use organic mulch and compost.

Growing vegetables close to the ground

Growing vegetables too close to the ground can easily attract rabbits and provide easy access to your crop.

“If you are growing directly in the ground and are experiencing a lot of rabbit damage to your plants, you may want to build a raised bed at least 2 feet high to grow in,” says Mercer. This way, the rabbits will not be able to jump easily into the garden bed.

Do not cover young gardens

According to Mercer, rabbits love potatoes, carrots, and kale, but they tend to go after smaller sprouts and younger crops that aren’t covered. She recommends keeping these crops covered with a row cover or netting until they grow to prevent rabbits from nibbling on the vegetables.

Provide a water source

You may have a water source in your yard, near your garden, that is perfect for rabbits without even knowing it. And Mercer says an easily accessible water source will keep rabbits coming back.

“If you have a leaky faucet or hose that causes regular ponding, or an accessible birdbath, these are sources that rabbits can drink from,” explains Mercer.

Tips to Keep Rabbits Out of Your Garden

“Rabbits are attracted to gardens,” says Thomas Peters, Serenbe’s director of landscape and horticulture. “It’s an easy buffet of tasty options that they can take advantage of.” Here are some of Peters’ tips to consider.

  • Install low fences that are secure to the ground.
  • Keep the mowed area in a radius around the garden so rabbits can’t hide.
  • Place a fake owl near your garden to deter small animals.
  • Allow your dog and/or cat to roam around the garden from time to time to prevent the rabbits from getting too comfortable with the garden.

Matthew Morrow, Director of Horticulture for New York City Parks, agrees that chicken wire, keeping the grass short, and allowing pets to roam the yard are solid preventative measures to keep rabbits away. However, he also adds the importance of the active gardener.

“Gardeners who use their garden more can also help deter rabbits,” he says. “And give people more time outdoors.”