Are Naga leaders ready and willing to admit their mistakes? | Morung Express

Some of those who voted YES said the following:
• Somehow, genuine leaders recognize their limitations and the mistakes they have made. But it is not enough, because it requires more than acknowledging mistakes. The Naga leaders, be it SC Jamir, Rio or the underground leaders, have admitted their mistakes. But the problem is that they repeat the same mistakes over and over again.
• Yes, they have admitted their mistakes and the hard lessons learned. They have knelt and prayed together when in another situation they would have killed each other at the sight. But there are divisive elements among the Naga, including senior citizens who are bent on discrediting the proven Naga national leaders who have worked continuously for more than forty years and fifty years risking their lives. Lately there are too many voices from a distance or from the balconies of their comfort instead of coming forward and helping in the effort.
• Naga leaders of different groups can no longer afford to indulge in partisan politics. Messrs Isaac Chishi Swu, Thuingaleng Muivah, SS Khaplang and Khole Konyak are in the twilight of their lives and without reconciliation in this life, we have to wait another 50 years for people like Wangtin Naga until he grows old like Isaac and Khole to understand the reality of Naga politics and stubbornness.

Some of those who voted NO said the following:
• Not until now. Like us, our leaders also fear that it would be disastrous for the Nagas if they admitted their mistakes.
• Our Naga leaders – whether on land or underground – are the same. They lack vision and rely too much on power. They are surrounded by advisors who are too selfish and incapable of thinking beyond their four walls. Our Naga leaders have failed to listen to their inner voice; and instead allow their advisors to think for them. This is a lack of leadership.
• They don’t want to lose power.
• No, that the leaders of any field whatsoever, ecclesiastical-political-social-bureaucratic, etc. be prepared and willing to admit their mistakes is not even on their agenda. Even if they seem to take responsibility, it is only on the surface. They just change the light bulbs without looking under the hood.
• They are still lagging behind because of their wealth.
• No, they’re just a bunch of rebooted old guys. They were foolish enough to think that Nagaland would survive as a separate state/country. like who are you kidding???
• No, still we Nagas need your political attitude to go much further in this current situation… Most of our respectable leaders are yet to admit their mistakes due to their ill desires, personal gains and their self-proclaimed “Chief.” of the Chief” than any other. other fellow Naga leaders…. I once dreamed of the Nagas if they (our respectable Naga leaders) prepared themselves and admitted their past mistakes and followed a peaceful path. What else can we Nagas expect? Hopefully, because there is a permanent agreement… unless peace prevails in our land, nothing can be achieved…!
• Because once they admit it, their downfall begins.
• When will they learn to put aside all pride?
• Be honest and truthful. Nagas are the worst possible human beings God has ever created.
• Willing? Obviously not, unless they are cornered and have no other alternative.
• Most of them are after money and that is a fact that they cannot easily sweep under the rug…
• All leaders are lovers of money.
• Practically they are not, because after knowing for themselves all their mistakes they avoid their own misdeeds.
• No, accepting the mistake is a problem between us
• No, not at all…I will never in my life have the opportunity to say ‘I am really proud of my leaders’.
• No, they don’t seem to be prepared to do that!
• No, our leaders will not because admitting their wrongdoings/crimes is facing the consequences openly. However, I think we are all aware (secretly!) of reaping the wrath of what we sow today, which is said to continue through generations without compromise. Since we are talking about leaders, the last thing we can do is to change for the better and, with our justified rights, remove corrupt leaders from their seats, and at the same time replace them with upright and exemplary leaders.
• The so-called Naga leaders are not leaders at all in the true sense. Most of them are opportunistic, selfish and narrow-minded. Their hearts are full of envy, jealousy, hatred and bitterness. This manifests itself in kidnappings, murders, extortions, taxes, etc. They are prepared to eliminate each other and willing to destroy Naga society in the process. Admitting error is the last thing on their mind. But unless you first admit and confess your mistakes, nothing good will happen. Because that’s the way God blesses.
• No. If our leaders were gentleman enough we would have problems, but not so many. Common sense is not common in Nagaland; Anarchy without the rule of law is a clear indication of the quality of leaders we have.
• No! In fact, we have mastered the art of the “blame game” and no one is ready to give up this mastery.
• No, leaders will not. Good. What is our alternative? A leader cannot remain indecisive, nor can he blame, but only apologize. We bear the brunt, do we tolerate it? Is the person then a leader?
• No, they are not prepared with inflated egos. We have given them a centimeter and they are taking a kilometer.
• I said NO EVER! If they admit their mistakes, will our Nagaland be like this?
• A big “N0”!! Even when they knowingly make a mistake (for their selfish needs), they will never admit it…they will never expect you to admit it. No way!

Some of those who voted for OTHERS said the following:
• Having an attitude of blaming leaders or anyone else is itself a mistake in the first place. Change begins with yourself, forgiving yourself and forgiving others are the foundations for seeing the world and keeping the big picture in mind. Each one is a leader and can lead himself by listening to his conscience.
• Better ask them
• They may be willing to admit their mistakes, but know they will have to face the consequences if they do. And they are not prepared for that!
• Let us not allow our leaders to buy our will, steal our rights and destroy our dreams.
• I think there is no quick solution to this problem. Realistically, unless our own leaders come forward and take responsibility for their mistakes, there is little the public can do other than raise awareness about these issues. On the other hand, we the public are also guilty of the same crimes (to lesser degrees if I may say so)… but, lying is lying, greed is greed, hate is hate… I’m not so sure that our young people will do better if presented with the opportunity to lead. That said, our leaders will not always be in power, their end will come sooner or later. Therefore, this generation will surely have the opportunity to lead in the near future. Let each Naga search his own heart and decide for himself the future he wants to leave for his children. He has to start with “YOU” and “I”…
• For my part, I am more convinced than ever that this “beast” (of leaders) can only take advantage of this opportunity without the need for further explanations. They are losing trust and they are losing it quickly and in a big way. No misrepresentation, no bluster, no boasting, no lies can cover up the essential truth. To cover up their total failure, they only make desperate attempts and measures to avoid admitting their mistakes. Unfortunately, our leaders are always in a state of denial and unrepentant and will not find a sharper vision or a stronger conscience.
• The Nagas, each and every one, not just the leaders…all of us, have not yet learned to change. We have only learned and continue to learn to learn, whether bad or good, but we never try to learn to change because we Nagas never make mistakes. We Nagas are always perfect and we will all die perfectly with our mistakes totally perfect. By then we will no longer need to admit any mistakes, only our children and grandchildren will reap the consequences of our GREAT PERFECTIONS!!
• A blaming attitude has two sides: one, without good reasons and adequate evidence, and the other, with good reasons and concrete evidence. The former is mainly to create more problems, while the latter is in the hope that change will occur now that the cause has been identified. Our leaders’ inability to come clean and take responsibility is why we, the public, have taken it upon ourselves to remind them of their mistakes. I think this is not blaming them without reason or evidence, we must raise awareness. It is very necessary. Yes, change must start with oneself, but that doesn’t mean we should allow crazy people to run free in our society…
• Blame the public. We are spoiling leaders both on land and underground.
• Our ministers, mlas and our kilonsers cannot be expected to truly admit their mistakes unless the Naga public is also willing to acknowledge that our society as a whole is also guilty of the prevailing situation.