Husband sues his wife for bringing him sandwiches in…

People in recovery fight their demons daily. Numerous factors can slow their progress and return them to the starting point.

Reddit user Parking_Honey_8569 He had to check himself into rehab for binge eating disorder (BED). He was making great progress when his wife stopped by one day and smuggled in his favorite snacks.

Eager to remain in the program, he reported her to those responsible, leading to an embarrassing end to his visit. He then turned to the Internet for answers and asked if she had gone too far.

Eating disorders are always an uphill battle for those who suffer from them.

Image credits: half a point (not the actual photo)

A 32-year-old man was admitted to an inpatient rehabilitation facility for binge eating disorder when his wife decided to indulge him during one of their visits.

Image credits: recstockfootage (not the actual photo)

But as he was dedicated to his recovery, he informed his wife to one of the nurses.

Image source: Parking_Honey_8569

There is a link between binge eating disorder and deeper psychological problems

The original poster didn’t talk about his background in detail. However, his condition could be a byproduct of a deeper mental condition. In the book Fundamentals of the mind, brain and behavioral relationships, clinical neuropsychologist Dr Jahangir Moini and his co-authors discussed its possible causes.

“People with binge eating disorders are more likely to have experienced body criticism, perceived risks of physical abuse, and excessive stress. Risk factors include childhood obesity, depression, low self-esteem, and physical or sexual abuse during childhood.

“It is likely to occur after dieting and vice versa. A related strict diet includes not eating during the day, setting a daily calorie limit of only 1,000 kilocalories, and avoiding carbohydrates.”

Experts also revealed the connection between BED and other known eating disorders.

“In most cases of anorexia nervosa, extreme, inflexible restriction of dietary intake eventually leads to binge eating, weight regain, bulimia nervosa, or a mixed type of disorder.”

Proper meal planning is imperative to helping a loved one with binge eating disorder.

The wife probably had pure intentions, but went about it in the wrong way. According to experts, her actions only tempted her husband instead of making him feel good.

“Imagine if your partner quit smoking and you walked in, lit a cigarette, and blew smoke in his face,” professor at the University of North Carolina. Dr. Cynthia Bulik said WebMD. “Having chips or cookies near someone who is a compulsive eater is the same type of temptation.”

Columbia University Graduate Student Chelsea Kronengold was diagnosed with BED in 2013. She pointed out an essential factor that people with loved ones going through the same difficulties should remember.

“It’s not about the food. It is a way of dealing with emotions.”

When helping close family members with binge eating disorder, experts advise reinventing the eating plan by focusing on nutrition. Instead, the wife could have offered tasty but nutritious alternatives, such as fruits, yogurt, and nuts.

The original poster answered a few questions to add context to their story, but most commenters took their side.

Husband sues wife for bringing him snacks to the hospital and she is banned Bored Panda

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