Italian goalkeeper Donnarumma before Switzerland: “We must minimize errors”

Italian national football team goalkeeper Gianluigi Donnarumma. Before the round of 16 match against Switzerland (Saturday, 18:00) he said that he believes the team will play much better than in the group stage matches.

– Compared to three years ago, I feel more responsible, I have grown a lot playing abroad. The captain’s armband is an emotion that cannot be explained. Italy is prepared and positive. It will be a great challenge and after going through a difficult group like ours, we will have more confidence – said Donnarumma at the press conference.

He said that against Switzerland errors must be kept to a minimum.

“The group was difficult and many thought we were doomed in this match. Now we have something positive to say and against Spain we deserved to lose based on what we saw, but against Croatia we stayed in the game and in the end we drew. Switzerland will have to make as few mistakes as possible, but I am convinced that the team is ready,” said the PSG goalkeeper.

In Group B, Italy placed second with four points, behind Spain, which earned a maximum of nine. Croatia finished third with two points and Albania in fourth position with one point.

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