College Student Accidentally Leaves a Profanity in an Assignment Title

A college student forgot to change a very crucial element of her assignment before submitting it online for her professor to evaluate.

The young woman, a student at Missouri State University in the United States, was filmed in a state of anguish after realizing that she had made an irreversible and very embarrassing mistake.

In footage posted on video-sharing site TikTok, the woman sat crying and screaming on her bedroom floor as her roommate revealed the cause of her hysteria.

He had accidentally submitted his midterm paper with a headline that probably wouldn’t have impressed his professor much.

A distraught college student on the floor of her room after submitting a midterm paper.A distraught college student on the floor of her room after submitting a midterm paper.

The student was noticeably distressed when she realized her mistake. Source: TikTok/Hanspoet

“Stupid document that has no meaning,” he titled his evaluation, which was seen in the submitted version of the document after it was uploaded to the learning management site Blackboard.

The student was filmed crying hysterically as she asked her roommate: “What am I supposed to do?”

“Could you please send something back to Blackboard?” she asked through tears.

As her roommate laughed, she snapped, “This is not funny, I’m so sad.”

Despite the emotional ordeal, the video’s title suggested there was little reason for her to become so upset.

“Don’t worry, I gave her a hug afterwards and her teacher allowed her to resubmit it,” wrote her roommate, who runs the hanspoet account.

The video went viral after being uploaded on Wednesday, attracting more than seven million views, more than 650,000 likes and more than 5,000 comments.

A midterm paper with a profanity in the title that was accidentally submitted. A midterm paper with a profanity in the title that was accidentally submitted.

The professor was unlikely to be impressed by the bad words used in the title. Source: TikTok/Hanspoet

Many viewers tried to reassure the student, telling her that the “catchy” headline would help her stand out.

“Honestly, don’t change it. It’s unique this way,” one comment read.

“A striking title. It makes your article stand out,” another person wrote.

“Don’t change it. Article titles are supposed to attract the reader. “This is perfect,” added a third.

Others tried to convince her that her teacher might appreciate her mistake.

“I promise you, you made your teacher’s entire career out of this,” one comment read.

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