10 mistakes to avoid when preparing for a hurricane

With the recent passage of Hurricane Beryl, St. Lucia was fortunate to escape the immediate wrath of the season’s first hurricane. However, the prediction of a very active hurricane season means we are far from out of the woods. Residents should be prepared for any storms or hurricanes that may arise in the coming months. However, avoiding common mistakes can make a significant difference in ensuring your safety and minimizing damage. Here are ten mistakes to avoid when preparing for a hurricane:

1. Wait until the last minute

One of the most common mistakes is putting off preparations. Waiting until the last minute can lead to panic buying, limited supplies, and hasty decisions. Start preparing as soon as hurricane season begins and have a plan in place long before a storm is forecast to hit.

2. Not having an emergency kit

If you don’t prepare an emergency kit, you may be left without essential supplies during and after the storm. Your kit should include nonperishable food, water, medications, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, and important documents. Make sure your kit is stocked and easily accessible.

3. Ignore evacuation orders

Ignoring evacuation orders can put you and your family at significant risk. If local authorities issue an evacuation order, follow it immediately. Delaying evacuation can lead to dangerous situations, such as being trapped by rising waters.

4. Underestimating the impact of the storm

Unfortunately, in Saint Lucia we tend to underestimate the power of a hurricane. Even a Category 1 storm can cause significant damage and be life-threatening. Pay attention to weather forecasts and warnings and take necessary precautions regardless of the storm category.

5. Not insuring your home

Failing to secure your home can lead to serious damage. Make sure windows and doors are properly reinforced, trim trees and shrubs around your property, and secure outdoor furniture and other loose items that can become projectiles in high winds.

6. Forgetting to protect important documents

Important documents, such as identification cards, insurance policies, and medical records, should be protected from water and wind damage. Store these documents in waterproof containers or in digital formats that you can access from anywhere.

7. Not having a communication plan

During a hurricane, communication networks may be disrupted. Have a plan for how you will communicate with family and friends. Make sure everyone knows emergency contact numbers and consider using text messages or social media to stay in touch if phone lines are down.

8. Neglecting the safety of pets

Pets are part of the family and should be included in hurricane preparations. Make sure you have enough food, water, and medications for your pets. Take steps to ensure their safety, whether it’s taking them with you during an evacuation or finding a pet-friendly shelter.

9. Overlooking financial preparation

Hurricanes can lead to unexpected expenses. Make sure you have some cash on hand, as ATMs and banks may not be operational. Review your insurance policies to understand what is covered and consider setting aside emergency funds to cover immediate needs.

10. Not planning for power outages

Power outages are common during hurricanes. Have a plan for how you will cope without electricity. Stock up on batteries, have alternative light sources like candles and flashlights, and consider investing in a generator for essential appliances. Make sure you know how to use the generator safely to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

Remember that preparation is key and taking the time to plan ahead can make a significant difference when a hurricane hits. Stay informed, stay safe, and stay prepared.