Syed Saddiq changes his triathlon status to “DNF”

JAYA PETAL:Muar MP Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman has admitted to a mistake he made during the 113th Desaru 2024 Triathlon held on Saturday (July 6) and Sunday (July 7), which caused him to finish third.

In an Instagram post, Syed confirmed his status changed to DNF (did not finish) for the triathlon due to the error, which was flagged after cross-referencing data from the technical team’s race breakdown and his “i-Watch.”

“Clearly there was a mistake and I take full responsibility for it,” he said in his video.

He explained that he felt that something was “not right” when he found out that he had finished before the rest of the participants in the bicycle race and immediately notified the technical team, who responded that “there was no problem” and he resumed the triathlon as normal.

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Syed also mentioned that he did not initially share the data publicly because some data was inaccurate when it came to swimming distance and running times. Seeing this, he wanted to wait for the official data to be published in order to cross-check it with other sources.

“It was an unintentional mistake on my part. Even though I noticed the problem during the race and reported it to the technical team, as a participant I should have been more responsible.

“I apologise unreservedly to the triathlon community,” he added.

Syed Saddiq also stated that after discussing the matter with the organizers and technical team, they too acknowledged that it was also an honest mistake.

She reportedly denied cheating allegations after a social media user alleged she did not complete the cycling race correctly, but she responded to those claims by stating that she wore an ankle bracelet at all times during the competition.

READ ALSO: Syed Saddiq reaches the finish line of his protest run and raises RM160,000