Drivers are warned that a dashcam error could mean a £1,000 fine and points on their licence

Dash cams are very useful and have become popular, but there are rules that drivers must follow for legal and safe use.

There are rules for dash cams((Getty)

In recent years, many drivers have started using dash cams. If you have an accident, they can be useful in showing what happened.

However, drivers must follow some rules regarding safe and legal installation and use. For one, you will probably need to inform your insurance company that you have one.

According to experts at Motor Match, around 18 percent of car drivers have a dash cam installed. But they have also issued a warning.

A spokesperson said: “Failing to notify your insurer about a wired dash cam may be considered a failure to disclose important information. This could result in a rejected claim in the event of an accident and affect future insurance premiums. Drivers should understand that while improving the safety and accountability of their vehicle, they must also comply with their insurer’s policies to keep their coverage valid.

“Many drivers install dash cams to protect themselves from fraudulent claims and reduce premiums. However, remember to communicate any modifications, including the installation of a dash cam, to your insurer. This ensures that your policy reflects the true condition of your vehicle, avoiding complications or disputes after an incident.

Dash cams are popular these days((Getty Images/iStockphoto)

“Incorrectly installing a dash cam can lead to significant fines of up to £1,000 and three penalty points under Rule 30 of the Highway Code, which requires drivers to maintain a full view of the road. Drivers must ensure their dash cams do not obstruct their view to avoid these penalties.

“We often see cases where drivers assume that insurers treat all types of dash cams equally. However, installing wires alters the vehicle’s electrical system and is considered a modification.

They can be useful when there is an accident.((Getty Images/iStockphoto)

“Using a dash cam while driving can be equivalent to using a hand-held mobile device, which clearly breaches rule 149 of the Highway Code. This can lead to a £1,000 fine and up to six penalty points, highlighting the importance of setting up and activating dash cams before you start driving.