Conference on wilful negligence in criminal law; Workshop on perspectives on wilful blindness and factual errors; Workshop on terrorism and belligerence at the CfS – EJIL: Let’s talk!

1. The criminalization of carelessness: involuntary negligence in criminal law. The research group “Criminal Law Theory” at the Max Planck Institute for Crime, Security and Law is organizing a conference on the topic of unintentional negligence in criminal law. The conference will take place from 29 to 31 August 2024 in Freiburg, Germany. For more information and registration, please click here.

2. Guilt through ignorance? – Perspectives on willful blindness and factual errors. The research group “Theory of Criminal Law” is organizing a workshop in collaboration with the University of Göttingen to address the theoretical, doctrinal and practical issues of wilful blindness and (guilty) factual errors. The workshop will take place from 5 to 7 September 2024 in Freiburg (Germany). For more information and registration, click here.

3. Call for presentations: Workshop on terrorism and belligerence. This workshop, entitled Balancing Conflicting Human Rights Obligations in Armed Conflict and Counter-Terrorism, will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 2 to 4 December 2024. This workshop is held in collaboration with the Minerva Center for Rule of Law in Extreme Conditions at the University of Haifa and the Institute of Law and Technology at Masaryk University. The deadline for applications is 12 August 2024. Proposals are invited from both experienced researchers and early-career researchers (i.e. PhD candidates, postdoctoral fellows and scholars up to 5 years after the completion of their PhD). The organizing committee aims to ensure a good balance between experienced researchers and early-career researchers among the workshop participants. Please see the full call for applications here. Information on previous workshops can be found here.

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