5 mistakes in children’s diet that harm their health: opinion of nutritionists

All parents do it.

Nutritionists have listed the most common mistakes parents make when organizing their children’s meals, Ukr.Media reports.

Sweet yogurts

Yogurt is a source of calcium and protein, which are important for healthy bones and teeth. However, most baby yogurts contain a lot of sugar. Therefore, when choosing a yogurt for a child, you should carefully study the label.

The norm is about four grams of sugar per 100 grams of product. This is natural sugar from lactose. The rest is added, experts explain.

Large portions

Parents often overestimate their children’s ability to digest food. Large portions can repel children and cause them to refuse food. Experts advise children to serve food on small plates. A smaller portion will help the child not to overeat and to listen to his appetite. It is better for babies to ask for supplements than to leave food on the plate.

Strict prohibitions

Nutritionists warn that all foods can be consumed in moderation and that no dish should be strictly banned, as this may increase the risk of a child developing an unhealthy relationship with food.

Chaotic nutrition

Meal planning helps provide the family with varied and nutritious meals. Chaotic nutrition results in a less balanced menu and a lack of nutrients that babies urgently need for their growth and development.

Bad habits

Children often do not want to drink plain water and prefer juice or milk. Parents indulge their children’s whims, but this is harmful to them. Nutritionists have explained that juice contains a lot of sugar, which destroys teeth.

Milk and juice also saturate the baby, causing him to reject food, the experts explained.

Doctors urged parents not to offer their children juice and milk to quench their thirst, and instead try to get them to drink water.
