‘Fatal mistake’: Republicans may have alienated themselves from ‘one of the largest voting blocs’

Donald Trump and the Republican Party have alienated “one of the largest voting blocs” in the country by backing vice presidential candidate JD Vance’s allegedly sexist comments about women, according to former Obama campaign adviser Ameshia Cross.

Cross, who recently said he believes “DEI” is just a “pseudonym” for a racial slur, appeared on MSNBC on Saturday to discuss the latest attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris, who is likely to become the Democratic nominee in the upcoming general election.

The host said that “many attacks on Harris focus on race and gender rather than procreation,” and asked: “Are these attacks backfiring and how are Democrats fighting them while refusing to give them oxygen?”

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Cross responded: “I don’t think you can refuse to give them oxygen in the United States, where more than 60% of women under 40 are childless and many don’t even plan to have children.”

“The other part is that we have a significant segment of people who have fertility issues and we have a Republican Party that is also pushing against in vitro fertilization,” she added. “A party that says if you don’t have children as a woman, you shouldn’t even be able to vote because you don’t understand or you don’t have any real value in the future of America.”

She continued:

“That’s a problem and not only is it extremely offensive to someone who doesn’t have kids (I don’t have cats either), but it’s a situation where they’ve made their own bed and they have to lie in it,” she said. “And the fact that Republicans have always had a problem with women, that they’re getting more assertive when women are one of the largest voting blocs in the country, is a fatal flaw for the Republican Party.”

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