“I see guys play and it’s almost as if they are afraid of silence and space. You have to think about playing as a conversation”: Tom Bukovac on 4 mistakes every intermediate player makes and how to avoid them

There comes a point in every guitarist’s journey when he hits a wall. They can play, no doubt, there are skills, a vocabulary to lick, but something is missing that separates the beginner-intermediate player from the professional. Tom Bukovac has been thinking about this a lot lately and has boiled it down to four things that all mid-level players get wrong, and addressing these issues in your game can take you to the next level.

In the latest episode of his YouTube series Homeskoolin’, Bukovac laid out four telltale signs of the middle gamer. “These are things that I noticed guys doing that are just starting out and I noticed it right away,” he says. “I can’t help but notice it. These are things that everyone must overcome.”