How to keep plants happy by avoiding mistakes that cause ‘stress’

Houseplants require a little extra TLC during the summer months, according to Neil Mckenzie of Halton Stairlifts. This includes watering regularly and making sure they are not exposed to too much direct sunlight.

1. Improper watering

Neil explained: “During a heatwave, your houseplants will need more water than usual. Hot weather causes the soil to dry out faster, so it’s essential to keep an eye on it. Check the soil moisture daily. Enter the finger about an inch into the soil, if it feels dry, it’s time to water.

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“When you water your plants make sure you do it well. Water until you see it coming out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.”

This ensures that the roots get enough moisture, but be sure not to leave them in water, as this will cause the roots to rot, the Express reports.

2. Excess sunlight

While plants love sunlight, too much direct sunlight during a heat wave can burn their leaves. Neil said: “Move your plants away from windows where they receive direct sunlight, especially during the hottest times of the day.